11 Grad School Scholarships

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Can I Apply for Grad School Scholarships? 

If you’re considering grad school, rest assured that numerous scholarships are available to support your educational journey. Certain scholarships cater to master’s degree programs, helping to alleviate the associated costs. Additionally, scholarships exist for PhD students, providing financial assistance for research endeavors. 

It’s worth noting that pursuing a graduate degree doesn’t necessarily require on-campus attendance. Many adults opt for online grad school programs, and scholarships are also available for those pursuing education in this format. 

Where Do I Find Grad Scholarships? 

Many scholarships come from grad schools themselves. But there are private donors and agencies that offer them too. In fact, if your field of study has an association of some type, it may be useful for a scholarship. Sometimes, these awards are only for members, so you may have a shot. 

Take the American Speech Language Hearing Foundation. They offer scholarships of $5,000. They go to grad students in communication science and disorders master’s or PhD programs. Because they are not loans, scholarships and grants typically don’t have to be paid back. You may have to abide by the terms of the grant or scholarship, though, so make sure to see what these are. 

How Do You Get Grad Scholarships for Grad School? 

To get a scholarship for grad school, you must apply. You may apply only if you meet the provider’s criteria for eligibility.  

Eligibility varies from one scholarship to the next but can include things such as:

  • Merit (e.g., GPA range, creativity shown in a portfolio) 
  • Financial need 
  • Intent to pursue a grad degree in a specific field (e.g., Business adminSocial workArchitectureProject Management, etc.)
  • Plans to research in a chosen area (e.g., Archaeological Research
  • Demonstrated qualities (e.g., History of leadership or Public Service
  • U.S. citizen, permanent resident status 
  • Live in a certain location 
  • Be a member of the grantor organization or association

Graduate Scholarship Contests 

There are also scholarships that are more like contests. These may ask you to submit a video or some kind of portfolio, depending on the subject. One example is the Pelican Water Sustainability Scholarship. Applicants create a video to support the theme of water conservation for a chance to win up to $1,500.

Or, all you might need to do is create an account and put your name in the hat. One example is Scholarship Points, a $10K giveaway.   

Graduate Scholarships for Minority Students and Women 

Yet others are set aside for people that belong to a certain group. Like women, international students and minorities. An example is the Jonathon Lax Scholarship Fund for Gay Men. These tuition awards are for $5,000 to $10,000 each. They honor inventor Jonathon Lax an inventor and entrepreneur. Recipients are gay men pursuing more education who live in the five county Philadelphia region.

Another is the Holly A. Cornell Scholarship. This $7,500 annual award is from the American Water Works Society. It goes to talented female and/or minority students. Recipients must be going for their degree and research in the field of water supply and treatment.  

Why Consider Grad School Scholarships? 

A grad degree may lead to higher lifetime earnings and more job potential. One recent study compared salaries for people with and without a grad degree. It found that people with a grad degree earn more and experience less unemployment.   

Unemployment Rates and Weekly Earnings by Education Level 

Education LevelUnemploymentAvg Weekly Earnings
Professional Degree1.4%$2,080
Master’s Degree1.9%$1,661
Bachelor’s Degree2.2%$1,432 

But the average costs of grad school has been climbing. At last check, the average cost of grad school at a public in state school was $12,596. A degree program at a private school was $28,017. 

While scholarship amounts vary, they may bring your goals within reach. They can help pay for tuition, travel fees, books, and other expenses. Especially if you have other spending needs like housing and children. 

Grad School Scholarships for 2025 and Beyond 

This curated list has eleven of the top grad school scholarships you can apply to in 2025. We selected a broad array of grad majors. Make sure to expand your search if you do not see one in your field.

1 Global Citizen Scholarship

MPower Financing’s mission is to support international students and their career goals. Each year, they offers three Global Citizen Scholarships. One $5,000 scholarship, and a $3,000 and $2,000 one.

You do not need to be a borrower to apply. These scholarships will be given to one student from each of the following countries/regions: India, Asia (excluding India), Latin America/Caribbean, and Africa. All winners must be students at a school MPOWER supports. 



Requirements: Check site to see requirements for eligibility.

2 Women in STEM Scholarship

To support future innovation, MPower Financing offers three annual Women in STEM Scholarships. One $5,000 scholarship, one $3,000 one, and one $2,000 one.

You do not need to be a borrower to apply. Awards go to female international/DACA students who are currently enrolled or accepted to study full time in a STEM degree program at a school MPOWER supports. This means any program in science, tech, engineering and math that leads to a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD.



Requirements: Check site to see requirements for eligibility.

3 Women Techmakers Scholarship

The Women Techmakers Scholars, sponsored by Google, honors Anita Borg. Anita’s vision was to create gender equality in the tech field.  

Women Techmakers Scholars in the U.S. will each receive $10,000 USD. Or $5,000 CAD (for students in Canada) for the school year. All recipients get an invite to the annual Google Scholars Retreat. 



Requirements: Applicants must plan to be full time bachelor’s, master’s or PhD students. Other criteria include a strong academic record and leadership skills. Plus, you need to major in computer science, computer engineering or a technical field.

4 Virginia Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Midwife Scholarship Program

Each year the Virginia Department of Health awards Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Midwife Scholarships. The program provides a scholarship award of about $5,000. The number of recipients depends on funding. 


Deadline:June 30

Requirements: Applicants must agree to two things. One is to practice full time as a nurse practitioner or nurse midwife. The other is to work in an under served area of Virginia. Preferred applicants are state residents and minority students. They must be in family practice, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, adult health, and geriatric nurse practitioner programs.

5 ONS Foundation Master’s Scholarship

Each year the Oncology Nursing Society Foundation offers scholarships. These $5,000 awards go to RNs committed to oncology nursing. The number of scholarships varies – last year there were fourteen. 


Deadline:February 1

Requirements: Applicants must be pursuing either a master’s degree in nursing or a post master’s certificate. They must also be enrolled at an NLN or CCNE accredited School of Nursing. 

6 African American Heritage Endowed MBA Scholarship

Each year the University of Washington Foster School of Business offers a non renewable scholarship. The amount varies from $7,500 to $10,000. The scholarship is for an African American student at the Foster School of Business. Preferred applicants show academic excellence and business leadership. The recipient will also partner with the Consulting and Business Development Center to provide consulting to an African American owned business in the Seattle area.   

Amount: $7,500 – $10,000

Deadline:April 15

Requirements: Check site to see requirements for eligibility. 

7Davis Putter Scholarship

The Davis Putter Scholarship Fund helps those working for social and economic justice. The largest grant from the Davis Putter Scholarship Fund is $15,000 per year. These need based scholarships go to students who promote social change. Like being active in the struggle against racism, sexism, or homophobia.

Amount: $15,000

Deadline: April 1

Requirements: To apply, you need to be a current grad student or enrolled in a trade or technical program. A complete application also includes a 1,000 word essay that details progressive social activity. You must also provide two letters of recommendation, transcripts, and show financial need.

8Frederic G. MELCHER Scholarship

The American Library Association (ALA) offers 2 to 4 annual scholarships of $7,500 each. Called the Frederic G. Melcher Scholarships, they help grad students pay for an MLS or MLIS degree.

Amount: $7,500

Deadline: March 1

Requirements: Applicants must also plan to work in a children’s library. This work may be serving children up to and including the age of 14 in any type of library.

9Beinecke Scholarship Program

The Beinecke Scholarship set up in 1971 is a program of the Sperry Fund. The goal of the fund is to support grad education in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. There are 20 awards granted each year. Candidates must plan to pursue a research focused master’s or PhD program in the arts, humanities, or social sciences.

Each Beinecke scholar receives $5,000 right before entering grad school, plus, an extra $30,000 while going to grad school. There are no geo restrictions on the use of the scholarship. Recipients may also combine the funds with other scholarships, assistantships, and research grants

Amount: $5,000 plus an extra $30,000 for grad school

Deadline: February 09

Requirements: To apply, applicants must contact their campus liaison at a partner institution. Each school in the program may nominate one candidate per year for the scholarship. Candidates must show financial need, scholastic achievement, and have a strong intellect.

10 Hertz Fellowships

Each year, the Hertz Foundation offers awards to fund the cost of pursuing a PhD. The Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award are merit based. They consist of a cost of education allowance and a personal support stipend. Successful applicants have the choice of two fellowships. One is $34,000 and a 9 month stipend. There is an extra $5,000 per year for Fellows with dependent children. The award is renewable each year for up to 5 years.

The second option is a coordinated fellowship. It offers a Hertz period which provides full tuition and $40,000/9 month personal stipend. There is an extra $5,000 per year for Fellows with dependent children. The award is renewable each year for up to 5 years. Plus, an NSF period which gives $8,000/ year supplemental stipend from Hertz. 

Amount: Varies

Deadline: October 23

Requirements: Fellows must attend one of the Foundation’s currently participating schools or petition the Foundation to include a school in the U.S. that they desire to attend.

11 Vercille Voss IFDA Graduate Student Scholarship

The International Furnishings and Design Association (IFDA) awards a $2,000 scholarship. The annual award is The Vercille Voss Graduate Student Scholarship. It is in memory of Vercille Voss. She was a long time Illinois Chapter member and mentor to new members and students.  

Amount: $2,000

Deadline: March 31

Requirements: The scholarship program is open to enrolled full or part time grad students. Applicants must be pursuing a degree in interior design or a related design program. The completed application packet must include a few things, such as samples of your design work and a letter of recommendation. You must also write a 200 to 400 word essay that explains your goals, special interests, and volunteer service, and what inspired you to pursue a career in this field.

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Sources for school statistics is the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

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1 You must apply for a new loan each school year. This approval percentage is based on students with a Sallie Mae undergraduate loan in the 2018/19 school year who were approved when they returned in 2019/20. It does not include the denied applications of students who were ultimately approved in 2019/20.

2 This promotional benefit is provided at no cost to borrowers with new loans that disburse between May 1, 2021 and April 30, 2022. Borrowers are not eligible to activate the benefit until July 1, 2021. Borrowers who reside in, attend school in, or borrow for a student attending school in Maine are not eligible for this benefit. Chegg Study® offers expert Q&A where students can submit up to 20 questions per month. No cash value. Terms and Conditions apply. Please visit http://www.chegg.com/legal/smtermsandconditions for complete details. This offer expires one year after issuance.